Website without Search Engine Optimization

An online presence without Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is like a storefront in a deserted alley: barely visible and seldom visited. In the digital era, where competition is just a click away, the absence of SEO for a website can have dire consequences. Without...

Community Platform

Newsletter or community platform? Both are ways to communicate with our clients. It probably depends on what kind of product or service we offer. My new favourite is a community platform that I “installed” on a subdomain of my main domain and now I can...

Website Maintenance

Finally done with the maintenance work for all my websites for today (Website Wednesday). Good feeling as all the plugins are updated as well as the themes so hackers will have a harder time than with outdated ones. Should a website got hacked (yeah, this might happen...

Website in 2023?

Do you still need a website for your business in 2023? Well, maybe not in the beginning. You could start with a social media page and promote your services or products there. Nevertheless I recommend having a website as soon as possible. Why? Imagine your social media...